The International Group, Inc. (IGI® Wax) is an international leader in technology, development and manufacturing of wax-based products including microcrystalline, paraffin and other petroleum-based products for coatings, candles, inks, packaging and personal care. Also offering custom-made waxes and their blends. IGI® Wax owns the largest independent, ISO 9001-registered, petroleum wax refinery/blending plants in North America.

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Paraffin and paraffin blends are used to provide gloss, freshness seals, moisture and grease barriers to food packaging. The key benefits of using waxes are water and water vapour resistance, gas and odour barrier (prevent loss of flavour or contamination), improved process efficiency. Food grade waxes also available. Can be blended with other additives to improve heat sealability, gloss, block, friction and scuff