Alfa Chemicals offer an own-brand range of product solutions for industrial uses, such as surfactants in Metalworking, CASE, Home-care and I&I applications, under our ALFARES® brand. We also provide environmentally-aware solvent systems for industrial cleaning applications in our RESIN KLEEN™ range.
About this product
VipyClar™ 10 is a vegan, 100% active, easily dispersed form of cross-linked polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) which is insoluble in water, acid and alcohol. It is used as a single use stabiliser in beer clarification. The physical structure of the polymer provides an extremely high surface area where polyphenols are adsorbed by strong hydrogen bonding interactions. This reduction of polyphenol enhances the clarity and shelf life of beer by combating nonbiological haze. The polymer-tannoid complex is filtered out of the beer post-treatment leaving no residues in the product.
Poly-1-(2-oxo-1-pyrrolidinyl) ethylene