1. In a clean and sanitized mixing vessel equipped with a propeller mixer and homogenizer, weight out water and begin propeller mixing.
2. Add remaining Phase A ingredient while mixing, and mix until completely dispersed
3. When the main kettle is uniform, slowly sift in Phase B and mix until completely dispersed/uniform.
4. When the main kettle is uniform, slowly sift in Phase C and mix until completely dispersed/uniform. If needed, homogenize until gum is completely dispersed and record time mixed. (*Note: Ensure the batch is uniform and has no gel particles/clumps.).
5. When the main kettle is uniform, slowly add Phase D ingredients one at a time, and mix until completely dispersed/uniform. Ensure each ingredient is completely dispersed prior to adding the next.
6. When the main kettle is uniform, slowly add Phase E ingredient and mix until completely dispersed.
7. When the batch is uniform, check specs and adjust pH as necessary with the ingredients listed in Phase F. Mix main kettle 5-10 minutes after each addition.
Appearance: Thin, free-flowing liquid, TMS
Color: Dark yellow-brown, TMS
Odor: Characteristic to Rose Flower Water @47%, TMS
pH: 4.50-5.0
Viscosity (Speed: 12 RPM, Spindle: RV03): 1,000 - 3,000 cPs, 2008 cPs [24% Torque]